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SQL/R A.04.00 Installation on HP-UX

This document contains installation instructions specific to the HP-UX platform.

Supported HP-UX releases

SQL/R is available for the Itanium (Integrity) and PA-RISC (HP9000) architecture:

Installation directory

Starting with SQL/R A.04.00, multiple SQL/R versions may be installed and used in parallel. Each major version is installed into a separate directory while minor updates will update an existing version.

The SQL/R A.04.00 software is installed in the "/opt/sqlr/4.0/" directory. The SQL/R configuration files are installed in the "/etc/opt/sqlr/4.0/" directory.

The installation procedure retains the configuration of a previous SQL/R release. Modified configuration files are not deleted.


SQL/R is available as a depot package and is installed with the HP-UX swinstall utility.

SQL/R installation files available for download from the web site are compressed with gzip and must be uncompressed before installation.

Different versions of the SQL/R software are available. Please choose the appropriate version which corresponds with your hardware:

SQL/R depot file for the IA64 platform

SQL/R depot file for the PA-RISC platform
Where A04xx-x indicates the release and depot file version. Higher numbers indicate a newer installation archive.

As "superuser" (root), follow the steps below to install the SQL/R software.

  1. Unpack the archive at a temporary location, such as /var/tmp
    /usr/contrib/bin/gzip -d SQLR-A04xx-x-ia64.depot.gz
    This uncompresses the depot file SQLR-A04xx-x-ia64.depot.gz to SQLR-A04xx-x-ia64.depot. The compressed archive file is deleted.

  2. Run "swinstall" by typing:
    /usr/sbin/swinstall -s /var/tmp/SQLR-A04xx-x-ia64.depot
    where /var/tmp/SQLR-A04xx-x-ia64.depot is the absolute path of the SQLR-A04xx-x-ia64.depot file.

    By default swinstall is interactive. The additional argument as shown below performs the installation without interaction.

    /usr/sbin/swinstall -s /var/tmp/SQLR-A04xx-x-ia64.depot \*
  3. In the Software Selection Window, select/highlight the product options you would like to install then choose the "Mark for Install" item from the Actions Menu. The "Marked?" column will automatically be set to "Yes".

  4. Select the "Install (analysis...)" item from the Actions Menu. When the analysis is finished with no error, i.e. Status:Ready, choose OK.

  5. Choose Yes in the Confirmation window to begin the actual installation process. When the installation is completed, a dialog is displayed to notify you that the install task is completed. You may exit then.
A temporary license key, valid for four weeks is installed by default if SQL/R is installed for the first time on the system.

Updating from a previous SQL/R release

Starting with SQL/R A.04.00, multiple SQLR versions may be installed and used in parallel. Each major version is installed into a separate directory while minor updates will update an existing version.

To update an existing SQL/R A.04.00 installation, please shut down SQL/R using the command below:

/sbin/init.d/sqlr40 stop
Then install the depot file. If necessary, update the license key. After the update has finished SQL/R can be started with the command below:
/sbin/init.d/sqlr40 start

Automatic startup of SQL/R servers during boot is configured in the /etc/rc.config.d/sqlr40 configuration file.

Uninstalling SQL/R A.04.00

To uninstall SQL/R A.04.00 from your system, please make sure the software is not currently used. The following command may be used to shut down the Eloquence background processes.
/sbin/init.d/sqlr40 stop
The software is removed using the HP-UX swremove utility. Please login as root and run swremove as below
/usr/sbin/swremove SQLR40
Please note that any modified configuration files (typically customized configuration files) are not removed. If necessary, they need to be removed manually.

sqlrodbc TCP service name

The default SQL/R configuration expects an entry like below in the /etc/services file:
sqlrodbc    8003/tcp   # SQL/R ODBC
The first column specifies the service name ("sqlrodbc"), the second column the associated port number and protocol ("8003/tcp"). This entry associates the service name "sqlrodbc" with the TCP port number 8003. The service name "sqlrodbc" is used as a default.

In rare cases it might be necessary to modify this preset configuration, for example if the port number is already in use or does not match the one configured on other systems.

Encryption Support

SQL/R uses OpenSSL for cryptographic functions. The OpenSSL software must be installed to use the (optional) SQL/R cryptographic functions (encrypted passwords or encrypted communication).

The OpenSSL product is used by the sqlrodbcd process and the SQL/R ODBC driver. It must be installed if either the server or the ODBC driver requires encryption functionality.

The HP-UX OpenSSL software may be obtained from the HPE Software Center web site →

For HP-UX 11i v1 it is recommended to install the KRNG kernel support for strong random numbers in addition. It is available HPE Software Center web site →

LDAP Support

The SQL/R LDAP support on HP-UX uses the HP-UX LDAP client. The HP-UX LdapUxClient product must be installed to use the LDAP support.

The LdapUxClient product is used by the sqlrodbc process. Installation is only required on systems running the sqlrodbcd server process.

The LdapUxClient product is part of the "J4269AA: LDAP-UX Client Services" bundle from the HP-UX application DVD or is already installed as part of the HP-UX OE. SQL/R was tested with LdapUxClient version B.04.15.

LDAP-UX Integration is also available from the HPE Software Center web site →

Configuring the Server

Configuring SQL/R startup

Automatic startup of SQL/R servers during boot is configured in the /etc/rc.config.d/sqlr40 configuration file. By default the SQL/R server is started during the HP-UX boot process. Autostart should be disabled when the SQL/R server component is not used (eg. only the ODBC driver is used to access a remote database).

The startup script supports multiple instances may be configuired to not require root access to start or stop the odbcd server. Please refer to the comments in the /etc/rc.config.d/sqlr40 configuration file for details.

SQRL/R kernel resources

Upon startup, the sqlrodbcd process allocates a semaphore set and a shared memory segment.

The main sqlrodbcd process runs in background and listens for new connections. For each active connection a new sqlrodbcd process is forked. Each sqlrodbcd process requires one semmnu kernel entry. Also the maxuprc kernel parameter must allow for a sufficient number of concurrent processes per user.

Please note: For HP-UX v11.31 the DynSysVSem option may be installed which allows to change SysV Kernel tunables without requiring a reboot and removes the need to configure the semmnu and semume kernel parameters. For more information, please refer to →

Configuring the server

The SQL/R ODBC server is configured with the configuration file odbc.cfg. The configuration file is read by the SQL/R ODBC server when it is started.

The odbc.cfg configuration file is located in the /etc/opt/sqlr/4.0/ directory.

User and Group

The User and Group configuration items in the odbc.cfg specify a user and group that is used to run the SQL/R server process. The default account and group is sqlr.
These options are ignored if the server is not started with root privileges.
A configuration value is required when the server is started with root privileges.
User = sqlr
Group = sqlr


The MaxUsers configuration item in the odbc.cfg file specifies the maximum number of concurrent processes connecting to the SQL/R ODBC server. The default is 40 simultaneous connections.
MaxUsers = 40